We apologize to those of you who need advice about feeding poultry. We'll try to get a link to a good website :) for future reference.
ROSEMARY POPCORN ANYONE? Thank you Chef Chick, Sheri! Your popcorn was a huge hit. Want the recipe? Buy a book!
We were glad to see some of our friends from Ladies Who Launch (thanks for the picture Angela) and lots of old and new friends.

Thanks to those of you who paid attention while we talked about what we do in the Emerging Writers Pavillion on Sunday. Thanks Drama Chick, Amy & her lovely assistant Jake for a wonderful demonstration of RACING THROUGH YOUR DINNER (it's part of the Primer!)
We hope you are all enjoying your Primer reading - let us know what you think... when you get a minute!
If you picked up a $2 off coupon from us to use at Leapin Lizards -make sure to go by and use them... Keep them chickins moving!
We are happy to announce that Leapin Lizards along with our friends at FitWit will be one of the first of our Chickin Feed Certified businesses (more bloggin later about this). If you know of a restaurant or business that is doing something to help kids & familes make good choices - please let us know! certified@chickinfeed.com
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