
MO' HEN . . . LESS HEN Part Deux

So, I've been enjoying the time & talents of the Healthy Weight Class @ Ponce Preventive Care for two months now. I completely intended to report more frequently on my progress in trying to amend some of my less savory habits. SO, drumroll please, I'm doing better :) BMI is better, lost some inches overall & fat has been transformed to muscle for a net loss of . . . not so much.

I have to say I was a bit disappointed after my first couple of meetings. I actually said to David (the RD running the program) that I wanted more of a kick in the pants from him. He kind of smiled and said, "OK, but that's not really my job, is it?" I went home thinking, "Well then, what IS your job and What am I paying for?" I was thinking that when I "signed up"/ "started the program" somehow I would be magically transformed because David would be nagging me to make the changes I had said I wanted to make.

During my first face to face conference with him I actually about fell out of my chair when he mentioned that maybe by "joining the program" I was trying to find a MAGIC PILL! It took me so far aback, that I think I actually started to laugh. My whole rant about not wanting to follow in my mother's footsteps and take the easy way out by looking for a "simple solution" (in her case Phen Fen, diet drinks and skipping meals & all) and look where he found me? Searching all around for the Magic Pill that would ring me up & ask me why I needed that cup of ice cream at 10pm?

A lot of gears started turning during that meeting and I really am starting to accept that the change must come from within. This whole experience is much more of a therapy session than I ever imagined. Not about reforming diets, but paying attention to choices, when I make them and making them GOOD choices so that I feel good later... HMMM heard anybody preachin' that lately?

Later...A little Less' Hen!

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