Chickin Feed is excited to be headed back to the Seed Factory! Saturday, August 21st @ 11am. We'll be tellin' tales & singing tunes' all about food, farm & fun. And we'll have a fresh supply of our super wonderful - screen printed on canvas (by Bo @ Velocity Screen Printing- great job!), handmade books - FARM GRUB A to Z. Check out our Facebook Page for a fun little video preview.
And we're super excited to be joined again by Drama Chick, Amy Handler...aside from her day jobs, she's crankin' out show after show of super cool music on her Saturday Morning show - The Kids Are Alright - am 1690. Listen up Peeps!
Mo' Hen & Chirpin' Chick, Katherine will be on Ms. Amy's show with hot copies of our brand spankin' new CD... Lil' Chickin Radio presents The FARM GRUB Revue... (I heard some pretty complete versions of the songs tonight and cannot express how excited and overjoyed I am about this CD! Katherine & Fletcher Moore - you are amazingly talented folks. Adam, Annette, John K., James, Jimmy, John B., The Chickin Chorus & The Real Farmers' Chorus – Je t'aime!. What a wonderful job. Thank you so very much.) More to come on this obviously!
AND SAVE THE DATE... Labor Day Weekend - Saturday & Sunday 9/5 & 9/6 come say "Howdy" at our booth (same place as the past two years) at the Decatur Book Festival! It's awesome!!!
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