So I got to thinking awhile back that Lil' Chickin was a bit lonely. I've played with making him a pumpkin, a cowboy, a Santa, etc. But really what he needed was some friends. Meet: Farmer Goat, Horse, La Vaca, Duckie and – drumroll please – Piggles (my kid's personal favorite). Each character is a member of Farm Grub a new series that we're pitching that incorporates the concepts of eating Real Food, Organic Gardening, Composting, Cooking, Healthy Snacking, Un-healthy snacking :) and Pink Fluffy Cupcakes (that would fall into the latter category).
This Sunday, we'll be previewing the series with The FARM GRUB REVIEW (think A Mighty Wind on Broadway!) at the Taste of Atlanta Amica Insurance Kids Stage - Sunday @ 1:00pm. We've got Fletcher Moore on guitar, his lovely wife Katherine will be chirpin, and Drama Chick, Amy Handler will be leading chickins in some fun ways to move to the beat. You can print off the lyrics and see the Farm Critters below!
If you miss us there, plan to come by The Seed Factory on Saturday, October 24! More details on that event later chickies...

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