If you've never bee

I think this year they've blown the top off 'cause I just found out that Abdullah the Butcher will be there! My brother's favorite wrestler growing up! (Did you see him eat that aerosol can of oven cleaner?)
Check out their website to see all that is going on!
AND WE ARE HOSTING AN EAT-IN on Sunday Night - September 6th. Come bring your picnic dinner and rally round the Chickin-Monkey booth. We'll be sharing a meal and letting the good folks up in Washington DC know that we'd like them to support the CHILD NUTRITION ACT!
GET YOU LITTLE CHICKINS IN ON THE FUN by having them send their own letter to congress. Chickin Feed has put together a REAL FOOD • REAL FUN • REAL ADVOCACY sheet so that the chickins can send word to congress too! They are never too young to advocate for REAL FOOD!
PARENTS: just PRINT this sheet and have your little chickins fill it out then send it in to your legislator!
TEACHERS – Have your class send them in! (If you cannot print from this .jpg just mail leslie@chickinfeed.com to get a .pdf copy!)

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