Anyone that knows me knows that Fall is my most favorite time of the year, the cool days and crunchy leaves underfoot make it an irresistable season to fall in love with and it is also the time to get your cool season garden underway. Lots of herbs love the cool weather and parsley is one of them, plants lots now and you will also be well underway for the beginnings of a great Butterfly garden in the spring!! You may notice your parsley disappear overnight because caterpillars are tenacious eaters but who doesn't love a beautiful butterfly! Plus you can't beat fresh parsley throughout the wintertime. Broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and lettuce just to name a few, all love the cooler weather so don't let your vegetable garden sit empty this fall put some plants in it!! There are many plants and seeds to choose from, so pick your favorites and some not so favorites(you can't say you don't like it if you've never tried it) and dig in the dirt with your little ones!
Mums signify that fall has finally arrived but please don't just toss them when all the flowers are spent. They are perennials in Georgia which means they come back year after year and they don't need full sun. So dig a little hole and put them in the ground after you've enjoyed their time with your scarecrow and they will come back to see you next year....
Happy Harvesting and enjoy this unbelievable August we are having.....
The Plant Chick

The Slow Food USA "Time for Lunch" campaign & Eat-In's are a few short weeks away. If you are in the Decatur/Atlanta area and would like to post some fliers! Here they are...
If you'd like to let you little chickins learn how to advocate for themselves and ask their Legislator to "please give me real food" you can print this flier / follow the simple directions.
Check out the EVENTS tab on our Chickin Feed Facebook Page for all the details on our Eat-In.

Check out the latest Chickin Tune!
Song & Photos by Mother Hen.
Pecked up in the Chickin Shack.
Crowin' by Nichole Lupo & Katherine Moore
Extra Scratchin' by Seth from Seeds of Nutrition.
Thanks! Katherine, Nichole & Seth!
Song & Photos by Mother Hen.
Pecked up in the Chickin Shack.
Crowin' by Nichole Lupo & Katherine Moore
Extra Scratchin' by Seth from Seeds of Nutrition.
Thanks! Katherine, Nichole & Seth!
Yeah! We have a posting from our Chickin Coop. The newest addition is Christena - a mother and very avid gardener. We met at the Georgia PTA convention where she was helping out with Farmer D's fantastic booth. She will be blogging for us & providing some great helpful hints about keeping your chickins more active and healthy by keeping their hands dirty!
Welcome Plant Chick!
Welcome Plant Chick!
First time post for Plant Chick
Hi fellow good food lovers! Nothing brings me more pleasure than strolling into my gardens and picking food for the day or harvesting some wonderful flowers to create an easy arrangement to brighten my home. Unexpected things are always happening around our household and as our garden and extra large yard always keeps us busy we relish in the blessings that we have.... Good food for all!
Tomato and cucumber salad is my most favorite dish this thyme of the year, a little bit of salt and balsamic vinegar and the thinnest red onion in the world and it is perfect... my chickins LOVE it and they love it most because they grew it all by themselves....
Happy Harvesting....
Plant Chick
Tomato and cucumber salad is my most favorite dish this thyme of the year, a little bit of salt and balsamic vinegar and the thinnest red onion in the world and it is perfect... my chickins LOVE it and they love it most because they grew it all by themselves....
Happy Harvesting....
Plant Chick
Chickin Monkeys | EAT-IN | DBF!
Chickin Feed & Cooking For Monkeys (Pam Galencamp's terrific blog & bento boxes) will team up to exhibit at the Decatur Book Festival over Labor Day Weekend (September 5&6).
If you've never bee
n to the DBF - it's fantastic...some of my kids favorite authors will be there including John Scieszka author of my daughter's favorite series that includes Science Verse! And I just Lulu scream when I said that the author of THE TALE OF DESPEREAUX is going to be there.
I think this year they've blown the top off 'cause I just found out that Abdullah the Butcher will be there! My brother's favorite wrestler growing up! (Did you see him eat that aerosol can of oven cleaner?)
Check out their website to see all that is going on!
AND WE ARE HOSTING AN EAT-IN on Sunday Night - September 6th. Come bring your picnic dinner and rally round the Chickin-Monkey booth. We'll be sharing a meal and letting the good folks up in Washington DC know that we'd like them to support the CHILD NUTRITION ACT!
GET YOU LITTLE CHICKINS IN ON THE FUN by having them send their own letter to congress. Chickin Feed has put together a REAL FOOD • REAL FUN • REAL ADVOCACY sheet so that the chickins can send word to congress too! They are never too young to advocate for REAL FOOD!
PARENTS: just PRINT this sheet and have your little chickins fill it out then send it in to your legislator!
TEACHERS – Have your class send them in! (If you cannot print from this .jpg just mail to get a .pdf copy!)

If you've never bee

I think this year they've blown the top off 'cause I just found out that Abdullah the Butcher will be there! My brother's favorite wrestler growing up! (Did you see him eat that aerosol can of oven cleaner?)
Check out their website to see all that is going on!
AND WE ARE HOSTING AN EAT-IN on Sunday Night - September 6th. Come bring your picnic dinner and rally round the Chickin-Monkey booth. We'll be sharing a meal and letting the good folks up in Washington DC know that we'd like them to support the CHILD NUTRITION ACT!
GET YOU LITTLE CHICKINS IN ON THE FUN by having them send their own letter to congress. Chickin Feed has put together a REAL FOOD • REAL FUN • REAL ADVOCACY sheet so that the chickins can send word to congress too! They are never too young to advocate for REAL FOOD!
PARENTS: just PRINT this sheet and have your little chickins fill it out then send it in to your legislator!
TEACHERS – Have your class send them in! (If you cannot print from this .jpg just mail to get a .pdf copy!)

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