Want to save the world? Yeah, me too...right after I stumble through another ADD ridden day of Chickin work, pick up the kids, shop for groceries, throw something together for dinner, try to do the dishes, some laundry & read a bedtime story.
There are so many things I'd like to get out of my head and into reality for this Chickin Company. On the horizon we have two simultaneous festivals over the Labor Day weekend 2008 (Decatur Book Festival & Summer Shade Festival). There is also the super cute Chickinware that's rumbling around in the hopper, several other new products being hatched, get Chickin Feed into a few more stores around the country (photo is from one of our "Chickin shacks"...Harris & Clark in the Serenbe Community), talk of expanding Chickin Feed into a couple other countries, getting my little chickins to blog about their favorite foods and setting up our CERTIFIED Chickin Feed program.
We would love to communicate more with the folks in our Feed Mill - please email me, leslie@chickinfeed.com if you'd like to get on the email list! And we love to get photos of your chickins if you'd like them posted on the web and your feedback!

Make sure to have some fun with your chickins!
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