Hi Peeps...
Got a request to make some calls to help get better school lunches NOW... If you have a minute, please read the forwarded message below & make some calls soon. Thanks!
"I’m contacting you today to provide an update on the Child Nutrition Reauthorization and to encourage you to contact a couple of key members of Congress in your area.
In short, we are hoping that the House version of CNR will be introduced into the Education and Labor committee either next week or the week of July 12th. This bill isn’t perfect, but is a big improvement over the current CNR in many ways. The concern is that if the bill isn’t on the floor of Congress by the end of August, we will be stuck with the current CNR for at least another year.
Congressman John Lewis and Congressman Tom Price are on the committee and so could help make sure that the committee vote happens soon. Could you call each of their offices and urge them to help make sure the bill is introduced soon?
The staffer for Child Nutrition in Congressman Lewis’s office is Michaleen Crowell (202-225-3801) and in Tom Price’s office the staff person is Chris Skrzychi (202-225-4501). Please leave a message if he/she is not available. It would be great if you could pass on this request to others in your network as well.
The message is simple! Urge your Representative to support H.R. 5504: “The Improving Nutrition for America’s Children Act of 2010.”in the upcoming committee vote!"