because children want to be overweight. I believe that we have a childhood obesity epidemic because the adults in their lives are too full of excuses to do anything about it.
Let's face it, none of us launched into parenthood with the aspiration to become the "Crusher of All Dreams." The fact that 20-30 times a day we have to tell our children what they CANNOT do gets to be quite tiring. After awhile, you start giving in a little to make peace and/or to get back to work and the very important adult things that we do.
One of the places that a lot of us give in, is where food is concerned. After all, we all HAVE to feed our kids. Several times a day in fact. We all must eat! We are busy and pinching pennies and just don't seem to have time to think about something we have to do so frequently. So we give in and justify it for numerous reasons...See if any of these excuses sound familiar?
• Healthy food is too expensive.
• I just don't have time to prepare healthy foods. Eating out is so much simpler.
• They don't like vegetables and I just can't argue about one other thing today - I've picked all my battles!
• I don't want them to call me out as a hypocrite . . . "I can eat whatever I want because I'm grown but you have to eat healthy because you are still growing" Hmmm...Eat as I say, not as I do!
• My kids should be learning about nutrition at school - I pay lots of money in taxes for goodness sake! And I'm sure they will use that knowledge to make good choices once they grow up.
AND the great reason that our kids are less active these days...drumroll please,
• They can't go play outside right now, the mosquitoes are too bad and there might be a pervert lurking around the corner.
Which one is your favorite excuse? I know about three that I'll cop to on any given day. I think it might be time to grow up a little.
How are we, as the adults, going to help fix the very real obesity epidemic if we don't accept some responsibility? After all, IT'S NOT PRIMARILY OUR CHILDREN'S FAULT THAT THEY ARE OVERWEIGHT OR THE GOVERNMENT'S PROBLEM TO SOLVE. Parent-UP peeps!
Leslie Smith Grant
President & Mother Hen
Chickin Feed, LLC
Un-busy a little bit.
Go play WITH your kids.
Feed them less / better...
We've all heard that saying, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." I'm really feeling it today. I'm going to start something that really scares me. It could also build a whole new future for me and my family.
Never in my life have I been one to go on a diet, or exercise too much. Thus the "fluffy-ness" that I've dutifully maintained for the past 20+ years or so has become very comfortable (not in a good way). It has just been where I seem to land with the amount of food and exercise I'm getting. Mind you the quality of food and balance of foods that I'm getting have improved dramatically as well as the level of regular exercise since I started paying attention with Chickin Feed. But I have to face the fact that I'm not truly practicing what I preach. I tend to wander off the board too much and not move my "activity magnets" over enough.
Let's face it, if I was following the Nutrition Tracking Board regularly then I would be in really good shape. AND the perfect testimonial for my company. Recently I thought about starting a "Chickin Feed Challenge" that would encourage families to see who can follow the board most closely and to see how their overall health improves. "Sounds like a great idea, Leslie. Why haven't you done it?" Hmmm . . . I think it's the fear that if I challenge others, I'd need to do it myself and that I might fail. And who would visit all my old habits and keep them company anyway? OR...what if I succeed, god forbid!
Several things have happened that have nudged, pushed and now made me understand that I don't need to wait anymore. One began about seven years ago . . .
My daughter was two and a half and the light in my mother's eye. My mom was the perfect doting grandmother. All she wanted was to spend time with Lucy. She didn't need to buy her stuff or take her places or even to have me be a part of her interactions with Lucy. Some days I felt like she loved Lu more than I did! She just wanted to hold and love my baby girl and it made me happy to finally have done something to please my mother so. It was really a magical time for me as it brought out so many great characteristics in my mom that had been covered up for many years. It ended all too suddenly when my mother died in Feb 2002 from what we assumed was an aneurysm (my maternal grandmother's cause of death.) We came to find out that the cause of death was in fact an aortic dissection and that my mother had been taking Fen Phen, a dangerous weight loss drug combination that was very popular. A possible side effect to taking Fen Phen, as listed in the class action lawsuit paperwork we found at her home (my mother must have sent off for them days before she died) was Aortic dissection.
Other than being honest about my history and somewhat cathartic, the reason I bring this up is to make a point about my mother's approach to "getting healthy" – which is not dissimilar to many people in our society – was to search for "The Magic Pill." What is the thing that you can do that will "fix" the problem quickly. Well, I'm grateful that I have learned the lesson that no matter how good the magic pill seems to work, it just doesn't. And sometimes it can have very tragic consequences. My deep sadness, at not having my mother around to love and watch my children grow, combined with a desire to make sure that my children grow up with well informed ideas about what it takes to be healthy, it what inspired me to start Chickin Feed.
A year ago, I ended up in the hospital myself with a very rapid heartbeat that would not quit. Given my health history and the look on my kids faces, I was quite fearful that my chances for being around to enjoy my grandchildren might not be as certain as I think. Intellectually, I understand that I need to be as healthy as I can to combat my history of poor food choices, lack of consistent exercise and love of sugar. Practically, my habits improved a little more after this scare, but not enough to make the change I need to. As my hubby likes to point out, I have a very hard head.
Last October, I was set up in a booth at the Candler Park Festival. A guy came by the booth and he seemed very intrigued by the boards. He said he was a Registered Dietitian and he immediately "got" what our product was all about. I'd hear from him occasionally but he emailed recently to see if we could talk. He had joined a practice earlier this year in Decatur, GA that was all about Prevention. It's called Ponce Preventive Care and they are conducting a Healthy Weight Program that he said he'd be interested in using the Chickin Feed boards for. We talked for a bit and I began to think that this just might be the last time I was going to have this bell rung. So I said, "David, what if I took the class?" As soon as it got out of my mouth I regretted it since I might actually have to act on it. I talked at length with both David and Dr. Chad today and am convinced that this is the way to go for me. They seem committed to helping people that want help but not promising them lot's of shiny pretty promises that lead nowhere.
You might think, "What's the big deal? Mom goes on a diet. Happens every day." But I really really don't want this to be about me "going on" something but rather a commitment to changing some fundamental well-ingrained habits. And that is very scary to me.
So I'm going to do this and I'll let you know how it goes. I'll blog here under the title of "MO' HEN . . . LESS HEN" Right now, I'm hopeful but apprehensive(fear has given way to apprehension, I guess that is good). If you see me noshing out at the Krispy Kreme, tell me to keep it to a minimum and go fetch my jog bra!
Never in my life have I been one to go on a diet, or exercise too much. Thus the "fluffy-ness" that I've dutifully maintained for the past 20+ years or so has become very comfortable (not in a good way). It has just been where I seem to land with the amount of food and exercise I'm getting. Mind you the quality of food and balance of foods that I'm getting have improved dramatically as well as the level of regular exercise since I started paying attention with Chickin Feed. But I have to face the fact that I'm not truly practicing what I preach. I tend to wander off the board too much and not move my "activity magnets" over enough.
Let's face it, if I was following the Nutrition Tracking Board regularly then I would be in really good shape. AND the perfect testimonial for my company. Recently I thought about starting a "Chickin Feed Challenge" that would encourage families to see who can follow the board most closely and to see how their overall health improves. "Sounds like a great idea, Leslie. Why haven't you done it?" Hmmm . . . I think it's the fear that if I challenge others, I'd need to do it myself and that I might fail. And who would visit all my old habits and keep them company anyway? OR...what if I succeed, god forbid!
Several things have happened that have nudged, pushed and now made me understand that I don't need to wait anymore. One began about seven years ago . . .
My daughter was two and a half and the light in my mother's eye. My mom was the perfect doting grandmother. All she wanted was to spend time with Lucy. She didn't need to buy her stuff or take her places or even to have me be a part of her interactions with Lucy. Some days I felt like she loved Lu more than I did! She just wanted to hold and love my baby girl and it made me happy to finally have done something to please my mother so. It was really a magical time for me as it brought out so many great characteristics in my mom that had been covered up for many years. It ended all too suddenly when my mother died in Feb 2002 from what we assumed was an aneurysm (my maternal grandmother's cause of death.) We came to find out that the cause of death was in fact an aortic dissection and that my mother had been taking Fen Phen, a dangerous weight loss drug combination that was very popular. A possible side effect to taking Fen Phen, as listed in the class action lawsuit paperwork we found at her home (my mother must have sent off for them days before she died) was Aortic dissection.
Other than being honest about my history and somewhat cathartic, the reason I bring this up is to make a point about my mother's approach to "getting healthy" – which is not dissimilar to many people in our society – was to search for "The Magic Pill." What is the thing that you can do that will "fix" the problem quickly. Well, I'm grateful that I have learned the lesson that no matter how good the magic pill seems to work, it just doesn't. And sometimes it can have very tragic consequences. My deep sadness, at not having my mother around to love and watch my children grow, combined with a desire to make sure that my children grow up with well informed ideas about what it takes to be healthy, it what inspired me to start Chickin Feed.
A year ago, I ended up in the hospital myself with a very rapid heartbeat that would not quit. Given my health history and the look on my kids faces, I was quite fearful that my chances for being around to enjoy my grandchildren might not be as certain as I think. Intellectually, I understand that I need to be as healthy as I can to combat my history of poor food choices, lack of consistent exercise and love of sugar. Practically, my habits improved a little more after this scare, but not enough to make the change I need to. As my hubby likes to point out, I have a very hard head.
Last October, I was set up in a booth at the Candler Park Festival. A guy came by the booth and he seemed very intrigued by the boards. He said he was a Registered Dietitian and he immediately "got" what our product was all about. I'd hear from him occasionally but he emailed recently to see if we could talk. He had joined a practice earlier this year in Decatur, GA that was all about Prevention. It's called Ponce Preventive Care and they are conducting a Healthy Weight Program that he said he'd be interested in using the Chickin Feed boards for. We talked for a bit and I began to think that this just might be the last time I was going to have this bell rung. So I said, "David, what if I took the class?" As soon as it got out of my mouth I regretted it since I might actually have to act on it. I talked at length with both David and Dr. Chad today and am convinced that this is the way to go for me. They seem committed to helping people that want help but not promising them lot's of shiny pretty promises that lead nowhere.
You might think, "What's the big deal? Mom goes on a diet. Happens every day." But I really really don't want this to be about me "going on" something but rather a commitment to changing some fundamental well-ingrained habits. And that is very scary to me.
So I'm going to do this and I'll let you know how it goes. I'll blog here under the title of "MO' HEN . . . LESS HEN" Right now, I'm hopeful but apprehensive(fear has given way to apprehension, I guess that is good). If you see me noshing out at the Krispy Kreme, tell me to keep it to a minimum and go fetch my jog bra!
We would love to come to a PTA Meeting & chat with families about "Building Healthy Habits at Home." OR if you have a class that would like to have Mother Hen come in and "Chickin Chat" we'd like to do that too. Here are a couple of tools to use... (We're in Metro Atlanta...If you aren't but would like some tools! Let us know that too.





Thank you Decatur!
GO DECATUR BOOK FESTIVAL! Thank you to the amazing crowd and all that turned out for the Time for Lunch EAT-IN and the terrific Closing Picnic. Thank you to Daren Wang & Book Festival organizers for making it all happen. Photos courtesy of our fabulous volunteers including David Naugle and Donata Renfrow.

Pictured here are: Sally Wylde – Co-founder of the Oakhurst Community Garden, Mo' Hen, Josh Viertel – Pres. of Slow Food USA, Pam Galencamp – Owner/Author of Cooking for Monkeys, Julie Shaffer – Founder & Former Pres. of Slow Food Atlanta chapter.
State Representative Stephanie Stuckey Benfield showed up to support the cause with her two little chickins and we also found Eli Kirshtein – a current contestant on Top Chef. And in the middle is Judith Winfrey of Love is Love Farms and the Slow Food Atlanta chapter leader. Judith is the wrangler extraordinaire! She sang our Real Food song as the blessing for dinner on Sunday night @ Holman & Finch. Thanks for everything Judith!

Here are some more pics from our viewpoint at the Decatur Book Festival.

GO! Gedaliah!

Pictured here are: Sally Wylde – Co-founder of the Oakhurst Community Garden, Mo' Hen, Josh Viertel – Pres. of Slow Food USA, Pam Galencamp – Owner/Author of Cooking for Monkeys, Julie Shaffer – Founder & Former Pres. of Slow Food Atlanta chapter.

State Representative Stephanie Stuckey Benfield showed up to support the cause with her two little chickins and we also found Eli Kirshtein – a current contestant on Top Chef. And in the middle is Judith Winfrey of Love is Love Farms and the Slow Food Atlanta chapter leader. Judith is the wrangler extraordinaire! She sang our Real Food song as the blessing for dinner on Sunday night @ Holman & Finch. Thanks for everything Judith!

Here are some more pics from our viewpoint at the Decatur Book Festival.

Decatur Book Festival,
Judith Winfrey,
Love is Love Farms,
Slow Food,
Time for Lunch
It's here! The Monster of all Book Festivals! Please come see us if you can. EAT-IN with us on Sunday night... LOTS OF DETAILS BELOW.
Chickin-T's for REAL FOOD!
CHECK OUT OUR COOL T's FOR REAL FOOD! Order one today to wear to your EAT-IN!




EAT-IN goes BIG!
BIG NEWS! Just found out that Josh Viertel, the President of Slow Foods USA is coming to Atlanta to EAT-IN! Over 290 Eat-in's are planned throughout the USA and he's coming to ours... If you can come on Sunday Night to the one we're hosting with Cooking for Monkeys @ the Closing Picnic of the Decatur Book Festival... Please DO! If you can make it to Piedmont Park on Labor Day, you can meet him there. EAT-IN PEEPS!

We’re expecting you for dinner on Sunday Night 9/6/09. 5:30p. Meet us on the square in Decatur behind the Old Courthouse. Take MARTA...It’s Smarta! Bring a great picnic dinner that you’ve prepared from some fabulous foods that you purchased locally from a Farmers Market on Saturday and your blanket! Or purchase a plate for $10 from Southern Foodways Alliance Wear a “recycled” T-shirt. You and your chickins can sport a cool T-shirt to show support for getting REAL FOOD into SCHOOL LUNCHES. (We’ve got some nifty ones ready to ship @* or you could make your own!) Get your picture made with THE SIGN! You’ll see when you get there! AND... we’re honored to host the Big Kahuna of Slow Food USA! Josh Viertel will be in the house. Make sure to come out and show him how Decatur ROCKS for REAL FOOD in Schools! & stick around for Closing Picnic music by Sweet AlizAbeth. Don’t miss it, BEEEE there!

We’re expecting you for dinner on Sunday Night 9/6/09. 5:30p. Meet us on the square in Decatur behind the Old Courthouse. Take MARTA...It’s Smarta! Bring a great picnic dinner that you’ve prepared from some fabulous foods that you purchased locally from a Farmers Market on Saturday and your blanket! Or purchase a plate for $10 from Southern Foodways Alliance Wear a “recycled” T-shirt. You and your chickins can sport a cool T-shirt to show support for getting REAL FOOD into SCHOOL LUNCHES. (We’ve got some nifty ones ready to ship @* or you could make your own!) Get your picture made with THE SIGN! You’ll see when you get there! AND... we’re honored to host the Big Kahuna of Slow Food USA! Josh Viertel will be in the house. Make sure to come out and show him how Decatur ROCKS for REAL FOOD in Schools! & stick around for Closing Picnic music by Sweet AlizAbeth. Don’t miss it, BEEEE there!
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